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Municipal Court Violations

Our experienced attorneys appear in municipal courts throughout the state of New Jersey. We specialize in representing clients charged with motor vehicle offenses, driving under the influence (DWI), disorderly and petty criminal offenses as well as violations of local ordinances. These include:

● Simple Assault

● Harassment

● Drug Offenses

● Theft

● Shoplifting

● Trespassing

● Traffic Offenses

● Weapons Possession

Our municipal court attorneys are mindful of the serious consequences which can result from what may seem like a minor infraction. Municipal court judges have broad authority to impose fines, suspend driving privileges, impose probation and even incarcerate a defendant.

What Can Happen Outside of Municipal Court If You Are Found Guilty?

transportation and vehicle concept - parking ticket on car windscreen

If you’re found guilty, you may have to pay a fine. Often overlooked are the unseen consequences, including increased insurance premiums and subsequent administrative penalties imposed by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. Minor traffic violations can lead to heavy fines and points on your record and even administrative suspensions imposed by the Motor Vehicle Commission. A conviction for a Disorderly or Petty Disorderly offense, in addition to substantial fines, can even result in imprisonment for up to six months. The conviction will be placed on your criminal record and may negatively affect your future employment opportunities.

In the case of Flagg v. Essex County Prosecutor, 171 N.J. 561 (2002), Flagg, a City of Newark employee, was charged with the improper disposal of solid waste. Flagg, at the direction of his supervisor, dumped construction debris on a city sidewalk. Even though this was done at the direction of his boss, the Newark Police Illegal Dumping Unit charged him with a Disorderly Persons offense. He was found guilty of the charge in Municipal Court. Once found guilty, Flagg’s Disorderly Persons conviction triggered the job forfeiture provision of N.J.S.A. 2C:51-2 because the conviction for improper disposal of solid waste touched upon his employment as a sanitation worker.

The case involving Flagg’s termination took over 6 years to resolve and went all the way to the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Flagg v. Essex County Prosecutor, 171 N.J. 561 (2002)

The experienced municipal court attorneys at Epstein Ostrove are effective in every corner of New Jersey and can help you navigate these issues.

What About My Rights?

Often times without proper representation, your rights can be violated with serious consequences. A number of years ago, a New Jersey municipal court judge denied two defendants who were charged with attempted burglary the right to an attorney. The Judge then tried the case with no prosecutor. Instead, the Judge allowed the arresting officer to question the defendants. After finding the two defendants guilty, he sentenced them to 180 days in jail.

A Superior Court judge who later reviewed the case stated the Municipal Court Judge doubled the allowable jail sentence and “transformed the role of the court from a neutral and detached magistrate and evoked the specter of the backwater ‘judge jury and executioner’ figure that has never had any place in American jurisprudence.”

Eventually, the Judge was criticized and reprimanded for his actions. “Linden municipal judge committed ‘perversion of justice; N.J. legal authority finds” NJ.Com, Oct. 28, 2011, Updated: Mar. 31, 2019,

Protect Your Rights by Hiring a New Jersey Municipal Court Attorney

A driver receiving a ticket from a police officer

The municipal court attorneys at Epstein Ostrove can help you understand your rights and the nature of the charges against you as well as guide you through the legal process. We will file appropriate motions, challenge evidence to obtain the most favorable trial result or negotiated plea bargain. Keep in mind, as skilled trial lawyers, our attorneys bring a level of competence and experience that ensure the best possible result and protect against unjust decisions by the judiciary. Contact Epstein Ostrove for a consultation.

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